John Quiles
Oyama Karate is awesome and incredible.
It has helped me with my learning disability and enabled me to work on challenges and to learn how to overcome obstacles in my life.
Paul Broschart
I have been training at Astoria Oyama Dojo for over a year now and I think the atmosphere is a unique one for a karate dojo.
It has became a second home for me and my fellow class mates are my karate family.
I came to Astoria Oyama Karate at 320lbs, and in the worse shape of my life at the age of 45 and Sensei Takao showed me patience and understanding where I immediately felt comfortable and welcomed.
Sensei Takao is a true teacher in every sense of the word.
In September 2006 I started karate at the Astoria Oyama karate dojo.
My children who are half Japanese have always been interested in martial arts and we tried a number of different places.
However, most of them were overly commercialized and were more like entertainment clubs than martial arts.
In fact, even the children reacted to the attitudes of these schools.
After an extensive search we decided to try the family class at the Astoria dojo.
We knew immediately that we had found the right place.
Masa sensei is a sincere instructor of karate who takes his art seriously and is a very good teacher.
The classes are serious without being too overly 'dictatorial'.
The children excelled and enjoyed it and I got addicted.
So, as a family activity, I can strongly recommend Oyama karate in Astoria.
In my own case, I have now increased from one lesson per week with children to taking karate at least four days a week when I am not traveling.
I have competed at relatively high levels in both swimming and ice hockey and I am quite experienced in all racket sports; however, I have not experienced a sport that has so many varied positive sides to it.
Oyama karate provides great training for stamina,strength, strategy and importantly for people in their late thirties and early fourties, flexibility.
Furthermore, it is intellectually challenging.
The training is more demanding that I understand to be the norm for most other forms of karate but you are also rewarded by a very wide ranging form of exercise.
Over all, this is one of the greatest activities that I have ever been involved in and I can strongly recommend Masa Sensei and the Astoria dojo.
Sylvain Brunel
My name is Sylvain Brunel I am 34 years old, I joined Takao Sensei's Dojo about a year and a half ago so I could go with my son Ryoma who's twelve now and has been at the dojo for three years.
This was not really one of my idea but more of my wife who with some kind of jedi trick, made me sing up for the Saturday family class.
I could not be happier about that decision I was forcefully helped to make.
But since than, Ryoma and I share a common passion, and I go to the class any time my works allows it.
Ryoma help me with my Kata since he has a higher belt level than me.
We run to the park on Sunday to exercise, increase our stamina and perfect our sparing technique.
The greatest bonding is when one of us feels like karate as taken us physically and emotionally to a point where we want to give it up.
We will support each other, break the wall we face and move forward and this is a great feeling for any growing child or adult.
Of course Ryoma and I from time to time, get words of wisdom from our jedi wife, mother.
My daugther started karate since she was 4 years old.
She inspired us to start training.

My husband and I were practicing martial arts since 2005 but we needed more fighting skills.
So we joined Astoria Oyama Karate to learn new full contact techniques.
After training in 2 different dojos for a couple of months, we realized that Astoria Oyama was the right place for us.
We learn new drills and techniques every class.
Our skills and elasticity have improved a lot, we are more confidence in kumite(fight) than before.

Sihan Takao has showed us the right way of training.
We are very impress with his knowledge and experience.
And we can all train together on the family class ,on Saturday, where adults and children share a same session.
Never is too late to start,or impossible to achieve.
We could do it and we still working on it.
You can do it too!!!!
Andrea Lopez 32
Roberto Velazquez 40
Melanie Velazquez 6
Wil Tutrone
From the first day I entered the Dojo I felt welcomed by a great bunch people.

The class is led by the most skilled Sensei that I have ever know.
He balances patience with discipline and humanism in such a way that all you ever want to do is give your absolute best.
The practices are intense, but at the same time invigorating and they always leave you wanting more.
Every day is different and it all builds upon itself as you learn this great martial art style.
You don't need any experience at all, but what you do need is a desire to try something new and be ready to give it your all.
I have been doing Martial Arts for the better part of my life.
After years and years of training, I decided to take a little break from it and just tried to live normally.
The break only lasted two years.
After the break, I went in search for a Traditional Martial Arts school with real world practicality and application.
I have visited several other schools before coming to Astoria Oyama Karate under the tutelage of Sensei Takao.

From the moment I stepped into the Dojo, I felt and saw the difference from this School and others.
The students in the class seemed like they wanted to be there, the sharpness of their movements, their attitude, and spirit was levels above others.
That was what made me join this Dojo, and I haven't regretted it ever since.
The training is tough, intense and it goes beyond just physical and cardiovascular.
As a new student, I have found the atmosphere very friendly and welcoming.
With the help of Sensei Takao, I hope to further my knowledge of Martial Arts and understand the meaning of Bushido.
Ren / Shu
My name is Ren Kozaki, I'm 10years old now.
I started karate 3years ago when Astoria Dojo opened.
At the first, it was so scary to fight and doing KATA and KIHON was difficult for me.
But now I am enjoy the karate and also I likes come to practice in the Dojo.
I am very respectful to my sensei Takao and I want to be like sensei Takao.
My name is Shu Kozaki, I'm 7years old now.
I begin karate 3years ago same time with my brother Ren.
But when I begin, I don't like come to practice.
Now I was in tournament 2times and got a color belt.
I like to come to practice with my sensei and friends in Dojo.
Future I want get black belt and I want to be a more stronger like a Takao sensei!
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