Astoria Karate offers you a martial arts lifestyle 35-10 Astoria Blvd S , Astoria, NY 11103. 917-374-3606

LI Japanese Kids にそのファイルは見つかりません

japanese kids


In the Long Island Japanese School the Karate classroom is brought in as an after school program.


Currently, twice a month, up to 20 small children work up a sweat in Karate training, Japan's traditional culture.


We hope that we can let even American raised Japanese children feel the pride of Japanese culture through experiencing Japan's way of the warrior, "Karate"

japanese kids

With practice only two times a month they are each improving a little by little.


Frequently, girls are better !


Little turk fighting each other.

childhood classelementary class

(This activity is unavailable at this time.)


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