Astoria Karate offers you a martial arts lifestyle 35-10 Astoria Blvd S , Astoria, NY 11103. 917-374-3606

Andrea, Roberto and Melanie


Andrea, Roberto and Melanie

My daugther started karate since she was 4 years old.
She inspired us to start training.


My husband and I were practicing martial arts since 2005 but we needed more fighting skills.

So we joined Astoria Oyama Karate to learn new full contact techniques.

After training in 2 different dojos for a couple of months, we realized that Astoria Oyama was the right place for us.

We learn new drills and techniques every class.

Our skills and elasticity have improved a lot, we are more confidence in kumite(fight) than before.

Roberto Melanie

Sihan Takao has showed us the right way of training.

We are very impress with his knowledge and experience.

And we can all train together on the family class ,on Saturday, where adults and children share a same session.

Never is too late to start,or impossible to achieve.

We could do it and we still working on it.

You can do it too!!!!

Andrea Lopez 32
Roberto Velazquez 40
Melanie Velazquez 6


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