Astoria Karate offers you a martial arts lifestyle 35-10 Astoria Blvd S , Astoria, NY 11103. 917-374-3606



I have been doing Martial Arts for the better part of my life.

After years and years of training, I decided to take a little break from it and just tried to live normally.

The break only lasted two years.

After the break, I went in search for a Traditional Martial Arts school with real world practicality and application.

I have visited several other schools before coming to Astoria Oyama Karate under the tutelage of Sensei Takao.

Sung Karate

From the moment I stepped into the Dojo, I felt and saw the difference from this School and others.

The students in the class seemed like they wanted to be there, the sharpness of their movements, their attitude, and spirit was levels above others.

That was what made me join this Dojo, and I haven't regretted it ever since.

The training is tough, intense and it goes beyond just physical and cardiovascular.

As a new student, I have found the atmosphere very friendly and welcoming.

With the help of Sensei Takao, I hope to further my knowledge of Martial Arts and understand the meaning of Bushido.


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