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Start your Risk-Free Trial now!

Only Internet Offer!!

Just Submit form now, and here is what you get...

Astoria Bushiken Karate Starter Kit

[check] 2 weeks of Unlimitted Lessons !

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Now All For $60.00 !!

There will be no hidding fee's at all

(Total Value at more than$120)

If you have any questions or concerns just submit form,e-mail or call us.

Astoria Karate

35-10 Astoria Blvd S , Astoria, NY 11103


Sung web sp


From the moment I stepped into the Dojo, I felt and saw the difference from this School and others. The students in the class seemed like they wanted to be there, the sharpness of their movements, their attitude, and spirit was levels above others.
I hope to further my knowledge of Martial Arts and understand the meaning of Bushido.

Wil web sp


From the first day I entered the Dojo I felt welcomed by a great bunch people.
You don't need any experience at all, but what you do need is a desire to try something new and be ready to give it your all.


Thank you for visiting our web site.


We look forward to meeting you !


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