Astoria Karate offers you a martial arts lifestyle 35-10 Astoria Blvd S , Astoria, NY 11103. 917-374-3606



Ren / Shu

Ren Oyama Karate

My name is Ren Kozaki, I'm 10years old now.

I started karate 3years ago when Astoria Dojo opened.

At the first, it was so scary to fight and doing KATA and KIHON was difficult for me.


But now I am enjoy the karate and also I likes come to practice in the Dojo.

I am very respectful to my sensei Takao and I want to be like sensei Takao.


Shu Oyama Karate

My name is Shu Kozaki, I'm 7years old now.

I begin karate 3years ago same time with my brother Ren.

But when I begin, I don't like come to practice.

Now I was in tournament 2times and got a color belt.

I like to come to practice with my sensei and friends in Dojo.

Future I want get black belt and I want to be a more stronger like a Takao sensei!



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